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Reliance in Every Condition

Reliable equipment is essential to maintaining high quality and maximum production, as well as environmental and personal safety. At Lanso, we know that harsh operating conditions in any chemical plant can jeopardize these basic requirements. That's why our technical team will evaluate your unique application and offer expert advice to ensure that you get the right pressure instrument types.

We're familiar with your challenges, especially with managing aggressive and abrasive media. With a variety of wetted materials available, our instruments can be configured with compatible wetted parts or fitted with diaphragm seals to resist corrosive processes. You can be assured that you'll be installing a trustworthy component into your system.

Maximum Safety

Since the primary and secondary products obtained are very diverse, different materials are needed for the wetted parts. In atmospheres containing H2S, which can pose a possible health and safety risk for residents, personnel or the environment should corrosion damage the plant, the fulfilment of the NACE / ISO 15156 requirements is also a 'must' for the instrumentation.

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Lanso Instruments INC.
233 W 1st St #210, North Vancouver, Canada
233 W 1st St #210, North Vancouver, Canada